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Association Missions Strategist

Our DOM Search Team is currently searching for our next AMS (formerly called Director of Missions). Please join us in prayer as we seek the Lord diligently for His guidance and leading to the right man to lead the Association into the future. Our Search Team will post updates periodically on the status of our search. 


Teresa Wood, Ministry Coordinator

Teresa Wood joined our staff in September 2016. Teresa has served as Director of Children's Ministries and has a heart for reaching and teaching both children and youth. She and her husband Shane are members of Central Baptist Church in Loudon where her husband serves as the Youth Pastor. They have 3 beautiful children. Teresa enjoys planning and organizing associational events and enjoys working alongside of our churches to help with mission opportunities. Teresa also serves as the Immanuel House Director, a ministry of LCBA.

Pam Crass, Ministry Assistant

Pam joined our staff in October 2023. She is a member of Riverview Baptist Church in Loudon where she and her husband Jacky serve in ministry. Pam has a heart for the Lord and people. 

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